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My cat, the alarm clock. He says bedtime is important.

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

Simon, my orange tabby, is telling me it's bedtime with his serious, slightly impatient facial expression. He is sitting in front of me meowing persistently & staring at me. Bedtime!! Bedtime!! Is how his meows are translated. He will also do this if I sleep in. It's so cute. In the morning he will sit just outside the bedroom door staring and meowing over n over trying to get me up. I can't resist.

Years ago a friend suggested to improve my depression to try going to bed at the same time every night and wake at the same time in the morning. I didn't think there was any validity in it but I figured I would give it a whirl. Sure enough, some of the depression lifted. I guess my body really does like consistency, when it gets in rhythm it got easier to fall and stay asleep and I would say wake up but I enjoy the silence of the mornings and the coolness of the morning air. It soothes me and I incorporate it into one of my self-care routines.


DISCLAIMER: Darlene Deffes is not medically trained in the mental health field. The information she shares are her opinions from her life experiences. If you are struggling mentally, please seek medical care from a licensed professional immediately. You are worth it!


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